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Friday, November 19, 2010

Hostess Gifts for Dog Owners

You've been invited to someone else's home for Thanksgiving dinner or a holiday party.  You need a "hostess gift," of course.  Before you pack up that plate of holiday cookies, the loaf of fruitcake or the bottle of wine, think about  your dog-loving host and hostess and bring something for the dog instead.

Some suggestions:

  • homemade dog cookies
  • a Christmas-theme bandanna
  • a new toy
  • an attractive ceramic water dish
  • a hand-made doggy quilt or fleece throw
  • a Christmas-theme leash
  • a ceramic dog cookie jar (filled, of course)

Okay, I can hear you already....."What about dogs with allergies?"  "I only let my dog play with certain toys."  "I have enough cookie jars."  "My dog hates scarves."  "I wouldn't allow my dog to chew rawhide."

Hush!  You may not really need or want that bottle of horrid wine or another batch of fudge either...but you accept them graciously.  Your hostess will accept a gift for her dog just as graciously, and probably with much more appreciation because of the special thought you put into it.  After all, a fruitcake is pretty impersonal....but a rawhide holiday card will touch the hearts of any dog owner!  If you don't like the item, you can always donate it to an animal shelter or re-gift it later.  It is, after all, the thought that counts.

If you'd rather not take a chance on something "just right" for the dog of the house, then scents make great hostess gifts for dog-owners.  Pretty scented candles, scent diffusers, and aromatherapy items  score big as "usable" in just about any home shared by animals.  Just don't present them with a candle that says it "Eliminates Pet Odors."  That's a bit too blatant.


Unknown said...

Had never thought about a hostess gift like that before, but love it. Like you said, even if the gift is 'not quite right' for whatever reason, surely they'll still recognize and appreciate the thought behind the gesture. I just came across a portable dog water bowl and I'm thinking it might be similarly suitable ( Maybe for a hostess gift like you're saying, maybe for Christmas, whatever. Thanks for the great ideas! Cheers, Tate.

Unknown said...
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