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Monday, April 7, 2008

Can You Say This About Your Dog's Food?

So what about that sack of dog food sitting in the closet? Can you answer "yes" to most of these questions?

1. Is it free of chemical preservatives?

2. Is is free of fillers like sawdust and moldy grains?

3. Does it smell good to you (or does it smell like rancid grease)?

4. Is it free of corn (a cheap filler)?

5. Is it made of human-grade (i.e., healthy and FDA-approved) food ingredients?

6. Does it taste so good that it truly enriches your dog's life?

7. Will it eliminate many allergies?

8. Does it create a very small amount of waste (poop)?

9. Are the vitamins and minerals chelated for maximum absorption and metabolism?

10. Can you get it delivered?

11. Can you get FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the country?

If you can't answer "yes" to all of these questions, maybe you should try a bag of Flint River Ranch. I've been selling this phenomenal kibble for about six years, but more importantly it's the only food I'll allow my own dogs to eat. Click here to order it from me online:

1 comment:

Sally Chapman said...

My toy poodle and I will vouch for what Jan says about this awesome dog food. The last bag I purchased was from Manning Dog Training in Yakima. The online ordering process from Jan and UPS is a very convenient way to get this product delivered right to your doorstep. . . .Try it, everybody!
sally chapman